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AMS reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 8.5 tonnes of CO2.

AMS has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions thanks to installing a Full LED Lighting System in their showroom, office, workshop and storage areas.

The Wadkin Bursgreen trademark owners, wanted to be more ecological and take more care of the environment- so they started to change all their lightsto a Full LED Lighting System.

Three year on and they have achieved their objective, and they can't be better pleased. AMS has received a certificate showing they have reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 8.5 tonnes of CO2, which is a carbon saving of approximately 63% on their lighting per year. That's the same weight as 2 African bush elephants!

 AMS Director said: the environment has always been important for us as company and we wanted to contribute in any way we could. In addition to the led lighting, we have an ecologic heater in our showroom which heats 3 workshops from a waste wood furnace.

One of the targets for this project is to measure the carbon emission reduction as a result of measures that are installed with the help of a Green BELLE grant. For LED lighting, they calculate this from the wattages of the pre-existing and replacement lighting, as well as an estimate of the usages times, rather than from energy bills.

This is not a one-off reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and Advanced Machinery Services will continue to make similar annual savings as a result of the new lighting that they installed one year ago in their installations.

Stephen continues:  “As general advice, we would like to say that all the companies in the woodworking industry should think about this type of system to take care of the environment as much as possible.

To find out more about AMS, contact or call 0844 844 9949. 

Posted by: Advanced Machinery on November 15th, 2021 @ 1:41 PM

Tagged with: Engineers all over the UK and Ireland Full LED Lighting System greenhouse gas emissions new planer moulder Replacement parts uk woodworking machines woodworking machinery woodworking service support


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